Tekst piosenki: As Sick As The Secrets Within Marilyn Manson

Tekst piosenki As Sick As The Secrets Within

[Verse 1]
This is no longer just my communion
The worms of the flesh have turned
With all the sacrifices I swallow
And the blood from the cup is so cold

You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within

[Verse 2]
It's not so evil as much as it's hungry
I see these bodies and the bones picked clean
I built this cage we've been trapped in together
Can't remember where I hid the keys

A reason for me, for me to gеt by
Became a need, a need to get high
Thеn into a life that was no life at all
No life at all

There is a trick to get out of your skin
You're only as sick as the secrets within
But the beast is calling for us and
Slowly assuming control

A reason for me, for me to get by
Became a need, a need to get high
And into a life that was no life at all
No life at all

There is a trick to get out of your skin
You're only as sick as the secrets within
But the beast is calling for us and
Slowly assuming control

I was never your taxidermy
I'm sewn into your soul
Keep sleeping, I'll make you dream of me
Keep sleeping, I'll make you dream of me
Keep sleeping

There is a trick to get out of your skin
You're only as sick as the secrets within
But the beast is calling for us and
Slowly assuming control

You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within
You're only as sick as the secrets within
Keep sleeping, I'll make you dream of me
Keep sleeping, I'll make you dream of me
Keep sleeping, I'll make you dream of me
Keep sleeping

Marilyn Manson - As Sick As The Secrets Within Tekst piosenki

As Sick As The Secrets Within w wykonaniu Marilyn Manson - As Sick As The Secrets Within tekstowo As Sick As The Secrets Within Marilyn Manson As Sick As The Secrets Within słowa Marilyn Manson - As Sick As The Secrets Within Text Marilyn Manson - As Sick As The Secrets Within Lyrics
Marilyn Manson z nowym utworem As Sick As The Secrets Within premierę piosenki As Sick As The Secrets Within zaplanowano na 2 sierpnia 2024

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As Sick As The Secrets Within

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As Sick As The Secrets Within

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Kadr z teledysku As Sick As The Secrets Within tekst piosenki Marilyn Manson



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