Maria Daines - You're Already Gone
Tekst piosenki You're Already Gone
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I knew this day was gonna come
And I been waiting
Couldn't stay, I couldn't run
And now this love forsaken
You'll be gone by Christmas
The presents round the tree
Scattered like our hearts
In all the love that used to be
And we tried so long
But you're already gone
The kids won't understand
Where's their Daddy man
Why Mama cries into her hands
Nobody make no plans
You'll be gone by Christmas
The presents round the tree
Scattered like our hearts
In all the love that used to be
And we tried so long
But you're already gone
Such a sorrow to behold
We vowed to have and to hold
Forever, futile, empty words
The saddest song you ever heard
You'll be gone by Christmas
The presents round the tree
Scattered like our hearts
In all the love that used to be
And we tried so long
But you're already gone
You're already gone
You're already gone
You're already gone
You're already gone
You're already gone
You're already gone…
Maria Daines - You're Already Gone tekst piosenki
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You're Already Gone
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You're Already Gone
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