Tekst piosenki: When We Are One Maria Daines

Maria Daines - When We Are One

Tekst piosenki When We Are One

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I found you
And you found me
There's a world between us
Joy and pain
Rolling free
The heart has roots
As the tallest tree

And when I cry
I need you near
You will tell me
Not to fear
And how you shine

The light, the sun
And how you hold me
When we are one

I will keep
Your secrets dear
Tell me good and bad
I'll wipe your tears
Lay your head
Here on my heart
Here we stay
Never part

And when I cry
I need you near
You will tell me
Not to fear
And how you shine
The light, the sun
How you hold me
When we are one
When we are one

I found you
Oh and you found me
There's a world between us
Joy and pain
Rolling free
The heart has roots
As the tallest tree

And when I cry
I need you near
You will tell me
Not to fear
And how you shine
The light, the sun
Oh how you hold me
When we are one
And when I cry
I need you near
You will tell me
Not to fear
And how you shine
The light, the sun
How you hold me
When we are one
When we are one

Maria Daines - When We Are One tekst piosenki

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When We Are One

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