Marco Glühmann - At Home
Tekst piosenki At Home
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At Home po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Let me guide your eyes in this world I'll show you
From the highest heights to your darkest dreams
Let us share our minds - that's the least I owe you
Always be around, never let you down
In the cold I will cover you my whole lifetime... by my side
All I would give for you... lay down...
When you wake at night then my arms wait for you
Even though sometimes your whole world seems dark and pale
Then my love will warm you up
And yet the strongest storm I'll stop... lay down, lay down, lay down...
Welcome to our place to hide...
Welcome at home
Welcome where we are safe
With open arms - you are not alone
Even though in life you might want to give it somehow up
Please take my hand 'cos it waits for you
Hope that my love will warm you up
And yet the strongest storm it stops
Pleae be thoughtful... lay down...
Welcome to our place to hide...
Welcome at home
Welcome where we are safe
With open arms - you are not alone
Welcome where we are safe
With open arms - you are not alone
Marco Glühmann - At Home tekst piosenki
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At Home na polski 🇵🇱 »
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At Home
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At Home
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