Marcin Maciejczak - Midnight Dreamer
Tekst piosenki Midnight Dreamer
Fallin' for your eyes
Cost me paradise
Take me for another day,
Another day
Oh I'm dancing, I'm moving, I'm feeling deny
I'm holding your hand to get look to sunrise
I want you to know, I want you to know that I'm losing control.
Turn off the lights
If you want me again..
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm a midnight dreamer
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm midnight dreamer
Morning at your place
Looking to escape
Chasin' for another night
Another night
Oh I'm dancing, I'm moving, I'm feeling deny
I'm holding your hand to get (???) to sunrise
I want you to know, I want you to know that I'm losing control.
Turn off the lights
If you want me again..
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm a midnight dreamer
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm midnight dreamer
Sorry I want apologies
I was hurt to you many times
Here's the corner of broken toys
You are not like the other boys
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm a midnight dreamer
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm midnight dreamer
Turn off the lights
If you want me again
I'm a midnight...
I'm a midnight dreamer...
Marcin Maciejczak - Midnight Dreamer tekst piosenki
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Midnight Dreamer
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Midnight Dreamer
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Midnight Dreamertakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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