Tekst piosenki: THE LONELIEST Måneskin

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Tekst piosenki THE LONELIEST

You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You're still the oxygen I breathe
I see your face when I close my eyes
It's torturous
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest

[Verse 1]
There's a few lines that I have wrote
In case of death, that's what I want
That's what I want
So don't be sad when I'll be gone

There's just one thing I hopе you know
I loved you so
'Cause I don't evеn care about the time I've got left here
The only thing I know now is that I want to spent it
With you, with you
Nobody else here
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest

You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You're still the oxygen I breathe
I see your face when I close my eyes
It's torturous
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest

[Verse 2]
I'm sorry but I gotta go
If you'll ever miss me give this song
Another go
And I just keep on thinking how you made me feel better
And all the crazy little things that we did together
In the end, in the end, it doesn't matter
If tonight is gonna be the loneliest

You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You're still the oxygen I breathe
I see your face when I close my eyes
It's torturous
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest

You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You're still the oxygen I breathe
I see your face when I close my eyes
It's torturous
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest

Måneskin - THE LONELIEST Tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku THE LONELIEST tekst piosenki Måneskin


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