Tekst piosenki: Poisoned Waters Maer

Tekst piosenki Poisoned Waters

Join me in these waters
Drown with me in sorrow
Miss me like a daughter
Hold me 'til the morrow

You and I are black sheep
Setting fire to the snow
Our bare feet
Cutting stones as we go
Lighting hints letting us know
They are there

We're staying up tonight
Leaving them all behind
Dancing with fireflies

Lighting up the night
Shadows undermined
Dancing with fireflies

We are like a lost ship
In the calm before thе storm
With torn feet
Dancing into the forlorn
Lеad us to the distant shore

We're staying up tonight
Leaving them all behind
Dancing with fireflies
Lighting up the night
Shadows undermined
Dancing with fireflies

Take my hand and let me spin
Let me in

Join me in these waters
Drown with me in sorrow
Miss me like a daughter
Hold me 'til the morrow
Breathing underwater
'Til there's no tomorrow
I am no one's daughter
Drown me in the sorrow


Shadows crawling in
Time to go
Night under our skin
Take me home
'Til the end of days
We are alone
Let us set sail
Let us go

Join me in these waters
Drown with me in sorrow
Miss me like a daughter
Hold me 'til the morrow
Breathing underwater
'Til there's no tomorrow
I am no one's daughter
Drown me in the sorrow

Drown me in the sorrow

Maer - Poisoned Waters Tekst piosenki

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