Tekst piosenki: Selfish Madison Beer

Tekst piosenki Selfish

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[Verse 1]
Boy, you're such a lost cause
Now your name is crossed off
How you gonna fix this?
You can't even fix yourself
It was almost two years
That I chose to spend here
All alone on New Year's
Thinkin' "What the Hell?"

I don't wanna break your thread and needle
Tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse


Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish

[Verse 2]
I bet you thought you gave me real love
But we spent it all in nightclubs
All you ever wanna do is lie
Why you always such a Gemini?
Baby, who you tryna run from?
Me or all your problems?
You know you will never solve 'em
You don't even know yourself

I don't wanna break your thread and needle
Tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse

Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish

(I don't wanna break your thread and needle
Tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse)

But it's not possible
Plus I'm not responsible
For your self-made obstacles
Put my heart in the hospital, woah, woah-oh

Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish

Oh-oh, mm

Madison Beer - Selfish Tekst piosenki

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