Madison Bailey - The Grey
Tekst piosenki The Grey
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If I could go back to when I was little
I'd say it's alright to be stuck in the middle
When all the best things about you don't ever gotta change
It's a cold world, so unforgiving
You know how you don't have to just take what you're given
You don't know it yet, but everybody else is feeling the same
Some people might only see in black and white
But you ain't gotta pick no sides
I know that it hurts sometimes to feel so lost
Lost out in space, floating away
I know, I know it's lonely in the grey
No need to explain or hide all your pain
There's nothing wrong with living in the grey
When you're out there in the unknown
And you can't help feeling alone
Just don't let go, everything is not what it seems
Every dark side has some beauty in it
You know it's alright, there's nothing to fix
Don't need all the answers right now, you got time to breathe
Some people might only see in black and white
But you ain't gotta pick no sides
I know that it hurts sometimes to feel so lost
Lost out in space, floating away
I know, I know, it's lonely in the grey
No need to explain or hide all your pain
There's nothing wrong with living in the grey
Madison Bailey - The Grey tekst piosenki
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