Lucas Estrada - Close Your Eyes feat. Tribbs & Stephen Puth
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(Just close your eyes)
You say you're leaving now, where are you going?
You've been acting distant lately, is it the long distance maybe?
You're asking me what's the point of holding
On to someone who's not close to you when you need them the most, yeah
And yeah, I know the feeling
When you're low and insecure
Because your heart don't wanna carry on no more
So just close your eyes
When you feel like giving up
I'm right by your side
And if your heartache needs some love just give it time
When the morning comes around
We'll be alright
Don't let it keep you up all night
Just close your eyes
So just close your eyes
Don't let it keep you up all night
So we can stay just right here for a minute
Yeah, no one else I wanna hold
Your love is all I've ever known
You can take your time I'll go nowhere
When you get worried I'll be patient
'Cause your [?] don't let the weight in
And yeah, I know the feeling
When you're low and insecure
Because your heart don't wanna carry on no more
So just close your eyes
When you feel like giving up
I'm right by your side
And if your heartache needs some love just give it time
When the morning comes around
We'll be alright
Don't let it keep you up all night
Oh, I won't ever let you go
But I'll be honest when I say this
When I'm without you I can't take it
So just close your eyes
When the morning comes around
We'll be alright
Don't let it keep you up all night
So just close your eyes
So just close your eyes
Tribbs & Stephen Puth & Lucas Estrada - Close Your Eyes tekst piosenki
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Close Your Eyes