Tekst piosenki: That's Where My Money Goes Loverboy

Loverboy - That's Where My Money Goes

Tekst piosenki That's Where My Money Goes

She's so fine, she's so eccentric
And what she buys, must be authentic
I paid up, to keep her down
I go crazy when she's not around, yeah, yeah

She's got me in the palm of her hand
But please understand
No one ever made me feel
Quite like a man
She does, oh ya
You see that little girl of mine
That's where my money goes
That's where my money goes

And I work hard (he works hard) I work overtime

It's no good, cause I can't save a dime
When I have it, I got to spend it
On my baby
Cause I'm so dependent... ya... on love...

My friends tell me I'm out of my mind
But it's not a crime
I'II do anything to keep that girl all mine
Oh ya, all mine
She's satisfied and it shows
That's where my money goes
That's where my money goes

So take it all baby

Now listen

My friends tell me I'm out of my mind
But it's not a crime
I'll do anything to keep that girl all mine
Oh ya, I know
She's satisfied and it shows
She's satisfied and it shows

That's where my money goes (That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes
(That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes (That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes (That's where his money goes)
I'll tell ya'
She's satisfied and it shows
That's where my money goes
(That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes
(That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes (That's where his money goes)
That's where my money goes
That's where his money goes
Bye, bye, money, hello happiness

Loverboy - That's Where My Money Goes tekst piosenki

That's Where My Money Goes Loverboy - That's Where My Money Goes tekstowo That's Where My Money Goes o czym jest piosenka That's Where My Money Goes Loverboy - That's Where My Money Goes Tekst That's Where My Money Goes Loverboy That's Where My Money Goes słowa

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That's Where My Money Goes

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That's Where My Money Goes

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki That's Where My Money Goes
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku That
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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