Tekst piosenki: Cursed to Die Lorna Shore

Tekst piosenki Cursed to Die

[Verse 1]
Creations emanating between these shifting sands
The universe is turning in the palm of my hand
I will make the earthen clay exhuming breath of life
Behold the culmination of my regrets

To err is human
To forgive divine
A blessing of life
Cursed to die

All will rise and fall, their flesh and bone

My sins and resolve permeate their desires
I am absolvеd within their design
My legacy will livе on

But is it enough to satisfy my legacy?

[Verse 2]
Millennia of waiting
Countless years come to pass
Separated from Chronos
This is my domain
I'm the face of death
My image, this eternal sin
Molded from everything
I hold within

To err is human
To forgive divine
A blessing of life
Cursed to die

We play the same keys in different times
It's in our nature to die
Powerless to the forces outside of our reach
I'm nothing but a man within a dream

All will rise and fall, their flesh and bone
My sins and resolve permeate their desires

All will rise and fall, their flesh and bone
My sins and resolve permeate their desires
I am absolved within their design
My legacy will live on

[Guitar Solo]

But is it enough to satisfy my legacy?
But it's not enough, it's never enough to satisfy my legacy

Lorna Shore - Cursed to Die Tekst piosenki

Lorna Shore - Cursed to Die tekstowo Lorna Shore - Cursed to Die Text Cursed to Die Lorna Shore Cursed to Die słowa

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Cursed to Die

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Cursed to Die

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Cursed to Die
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Cursed to Die tekst piosenki Lorna Shore


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