Lillie Mae - To Go Wrong
Tekst piosenki To Go Wrong
[Chorus 1]
Don't turn your back on me now
I never meant you no harm
If leavin' was meant to [?]
Then good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
[Verse 1]
I ain't been alive enough
Barely even recognize me lately
Hold on, it's gettin' rough
I recall a time when it was easy
[Chorus 2]
So don't give up on me now
I never wished you'd be gone
If leavin' was meant to [?]
Then good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
[Verse 2]
Maybe I'm not bold enough
I'd sure hate to take it to the bottom
Hold on, it's gettin' rough
I recall a time I've not forgotten
[Chorus 3]
Don't walk away from me now
With you I can go on
If leavin' was meant to [?]
Then good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
[Chorus 1]
Don't turn your back on me now
I never meant you no harm
If leavin' was meant to [?]
Then good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
Good things were meant to go wrong
Lillie Mae - To Go Wrong tekst piosenki
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To Go Wrong
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