Tekst piosenki: War Bout It Lil Durk

Tekst piosenki War Bout It

[Intro: Lil Durk]
Let me talk my shit, nigga
Uh, let me pop my shit
Let me pop my shit (Go)

[Verse 1: Lil Durk]
I just sent that boy two thousand, he ain't never post my album (Go)
He ain't never shot his gun for me for free, I'm bein' a thousand (Go)
You did what you did, I left you 'round my kids, I gave you power (Go)
I told bro, "Go hit your main opps," knowin' damn well they ain't ours (Yeah, yeah, man, what?)
I just swapped some Glocks from two, three of them blocks, ain't let a round off (Gimme that)
And them niggas heard they mans scream, they gotta turn the sound off (Gimme that)
Fuck what it seem, I'm goin' off what I seen, bitch, get a pound off (Pussy)
One opp nineteen, he bringin' my bruh to school, they knocked his gown off

I called Mack OG, I got lil' bro a lawyеr, hunnid thousand (Thou')
Look at Fyndee Boyy, he touch on lil' boys, he pedophilin' (Nasty)
On my gunna, whеn the opp blocks, the boys gon' televise it (Yeah)
I can't name the shit I'm behind but I can't make my momma prouder
I seen lil' bro one nigga outside his socks, he brag about it
Round you, bring your cousin 'round you, know he a rat, let's talk about it (Cheese, haha)
See, the biggest hoes that be the biggest hoes, let's talk about it (Let's talk)
In the city know I know too many moles, go kill about it (Let's go)

[Chorus: Lil Durk]
If you ever been involved, you can't talk about it (Shh)
I seen a killer do an interview, he tellin', tellin' (Fucked me up)
Why you never clear that rumor up? You know I'm valid (Fucked me up)
You ain't respond on Instagram, I know how to go about it (I know how to go about it)
Since he died, just come outside and go to war about him (Go, go, go, bitch-ass)
He say, "No," I think he let a hoe get him (Go, go, no)
He say, "No," I say, "Let's go to war about him" (Go, go, no)
Where he go? You better know the morgue got him (Go, go, man, what?)

[Verse 2: 21 Savage]
Knock 'em all down like dominos
Don't talk on the 'Gram 'cause we put shit in vanish mode
Last one was easy, he pull up on random hoes
Think you tough? My lil' niggas got the antidote
Free my nigga Zoo, I'm OTF 4L (21)
If you catch a murder, nigga, keep it to yourself (On God)
He think he a boss and now he fightin' for his breath
I don't care who done seen me, ask my lawyer, I wasn't there (21)
I know a hood bitch who'll drop your addy for some hair (Facts)
If we on your bumper, you gon' need more than a prayer (Pussy)
Always wearin' gloves, we ain't doin' nothin' bare (Pussy)
If you ever told, then that's the jacket that you wear (Pussy)
Fuck your past bond, he get out, then he get smacked (Facts)
My youngings ridin' strikers, skats, don't know how to act (21)
Go and ask them niggas, we the reason they run track (21)
Y'all really should be mad at who put batteries in y'all's back (Pussy)

[Chorus: Lil Durk]
If you ever been involved, you can't talk about it (Shh)
I seen a killer do an interview, he tellin', tellin' (Fucked me up)
Why you never clear that rumor up? You know I'm valid (Fucked me up)
You ain't respond on Instagram, I know how to go about it (I know how to go about it)
Since he died, just come outside and go to war about him (Go, go, go, bitch-ass)
He say, "No," I think he let a hoe get him (Go, go, no)
He say, "No," I say, "Let's go to war about him" (Go, go, no)
Where he go? You better know the morgue got him (Go, go, man, what?)

Lil Durk - War Bout It Tekst piosenki

Lil Durk - War Bout It tekstowo Lil Durk - War Bout It Text War Bout It Lil Durk War Bout It słowa Lil Durk - War Bout It ft. 21 Savage

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War Bout It

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War Bout It

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki War Bout It
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku War Bout It tekst piosenki Lil Durk


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