Tekst piosenki: IYKYK Lil Durk

Tekst piosenki IYKYK

(Tahj Money)
(TouchofTrent be wildin' with it)

[Verse 1: Lil Durk]
You go out with your friends and forget I'm your man
Girls night out turn to a fight when you do come in
I sent you a text, act like you ain't see it but it said you did
Half your friends like bein' hoes but they ain't got no man
You take shots and be on TikTok, that got my dick hot
I can't step out like I'm regular, you know I'm a big opp
Three hundred cash sound like a ton but that's just for the wrist watch
I got ten cars in my garage and you can drive the big one
I see your DM from some niggas, act like they don't DM
I should tell 'em to shoot they shot and get back for their BM

But she told me, "Don't say too much"
I said, "I am", she said I play too much
If I tell, "I love you" one time, you say, I don't say it enough
If I say it a thousand times, you say I say it too much
I wanna put my tongue inside you whenever I lay on your butt
I'm tryna make you say my name whenever I get in your guts

[Chorus: Lil Durk & A Boogie wit da Hoodie]
You know like I know
Your friends act like hoes
And my bros act like hoes
But you know how that goes

[Verse 2: Ella Mai]
I tell you every time, don't you worry 'bout my friends
I know you know it's nothin', I don't care 'bout what they sayin'
I say charge it to the game
No, I'll never taint your name
I ain't never ever play about ya
You need some reassurance, I can do that for ya
But don't ignore when I say I need the same from ya
And you told me I be doin' too much
I say, "I know", but we been through it enough

[Chorus: Lil Durk & A Boogie wit da Hoodie, Ella Mai]
You know like I know (I know)
Your friends act like hoes (Oh, oh)
And my bros act like hoes (Oh, oh)
But you know how that goes

[Post-Chorus: Ella Mai]
Every hour of the day I think of you
And every time I sleep, I dream of you
Ain't no other love like mine for you
Oh-oh, you know how that goes
Every hour of the day I think of you
And every time I sleep, I dream of you
Ain't no other love like mine for you
Oh-oh, you know how that goes

[Verse 3: A Boogie wit da Hoodie]
I hear some of your friends slide on they old hoes
Birds flock together, y'all flew out to Cabo
You say you'll always be loyal, how the fuck should I know?
She want new purses, and to go wherever I go
Huh? I told my bro don't you move like a ho
I don't get Perkys no more
And niggas only buy they bitches flowers because of Durkio
She on her period, hit in the shower, I still want it, ho
Let me know if it's uncomfortable

[Chorus: Lil Durk & A Boogie wit da Hoodie]
You know like I know
Your friends act like hoes
And my bros act like hoes
But you know how that goes

Lil Durk - IYKYK Tekst piosenki

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