Tekst piosenki: Still Hood Lil Baby & Lil Durk

Tekst piosenki Still Hood

[Intro: Lil Baby & Lil Durk]
We got London on the track
You was faking it all along
Felt that shit inside my bone
Had a feeling you had told
When I felt it in my soul
And you know your word ain't strong
'Cause they know you getting old
Ever since I been on
We give the trenches hope
Yeah, yeah

[Verse 1: Lil Baby]
Yeah, keep it a buck, it ain't nobody fucking with us
I can't sit 'round and talk about other niggas

That shit old, I don't care what he did
We was cool, but it is what it is now
Broke as fuck, used to live at my man's house
I work hard, they ain't give me no handouts
Bro ain't really a opp, he just fanned out
Came with me, we just slept on the same couch
How you play like it's fuck mе then come back and switch up and ask me for somеthing with the same mouth?
We have spots in the hood, make sure everyone good
Beat that bitch for too much then we change out
We could be anywhere, we gon' bang out
If you see me, they pay me, I don't hang out
I got too many cars, need a bigger garage
Call the realtor, tell her to change house
This shit deep, I take care of my kids' side of they family
I'm too rich to let somebody handle me
Nah, for real, I pay rent for my young niggas' mama'nem
We got away on the chase, I was one of them
Pay attention to me, you could run it up
I ain't drove it in weeks, gotta warm it up
You gon' D-I-E if you come at us
Got a Richard Millie, it's a one-of-one
I was stuck on the block, ain't have nothing coming in
Every time I fell, I got back up again
I'm gon' practice 'til I fucking win
We ain't brothers, I don't call you niggas twin
Got the hittas trailing me inside a Benz
Everything I got on, I'm tryna times ten
And I don't fuck with y'all niggas, I ain't friendly

[Chorus: Lil Baby]
I kept it real with you, why would you lie to me?
You complaining, and you don't even gotta be
I'ma turn up for everyone watching me
I'm on point with this shit 'cause I gotta be
I ain't tripping, I just wanna live good
Would have gave you my all, probably still would
When I can't get no drank, I don't feel good
Been all over the world, but I'm still hood

[Verse 2: Lil Durk]
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
You ask me for drugs, and can't get 'em gone
My uncle want drugs, I'll give it to him
He thinking he me when I put him on
Auntie fucking in the bedroom
I had to sleep inside a nigga bathroom
Putting duct tape on the air mattress, so the air wouldn't really leave from
Real niggas on standby, all that fake love, I don't need none
I don't really talk cash with a bitch unless the bitch really need some
One nigga told me he started with dimes and nicks, he say he gon' die with a brick
One nigga told me forever gon' carry his gun, that nigga died with his stick
I grew up, a little bit of death, and my uncle had cancer, I had to share a room with a junkie
I told you, I grew up the toughest, came from nothing, had to wash up with a bucket
Police had told me slow down when I be in the city 'cause they say I'm starting a ruckus
Fucked the bitch then give the bitch a Plan B, and tell her this shit come with my money

[Chorus: Lil Baby]
I kept it real with you, why would you lie to me?
You complaining, and you don't even gotta be
I'ma turn up for everyone watching me
I'm on point with this shit 'cause I gotta be
I ain't tripping, I just wanna live good
Would have gave you my all, probably still would
When I can't get no drank, I don't feel good
Been all over the world, but I'm still hood

[Outro: Lil Baby]
Felt that shit inside my bone
And you know your word ain't strong
'Cause they know you getting old
We got London on the track

Lil Baby & Lil Durk - Still Hood Tekst piosenki

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Still Hood

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