Tekst piosenki: Long Face Lestat de Lioncourt

Lestat de Lioncourt - Long Face

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Tekst piosenki Long Face

Ooh ooh ooh, wah ahhh x3

Why the long face, my pretty baby
I got long fangs, come appraise me
Bring your long stakes, that doesn't phase me

I'm an actor in my makeup
I'll get fatter when we break up
Why does it matter who I take up

Ooh, ooh, ooh, wah, ahhh

Another face, another year
Another place, another tear

Pick up the pace, rack up the fears
Now we're havin' fun
Yeah, we're havin' fun

I'm piano and you're forte
You're allegro, I'm andante
We're bolèro, prostituè

Ooh, ooh, ooh, wah, ahhh

Another taste, another year
Another place, another tear
Another chase, another sneer
Without a trace, you disappear

Pick up the pace, pack up the gear
Gimme some face - a souvenir
Here come the gays, here comes the fear
Now we're havin' fun
Now we're havin' fun

Oooooooh, ahhh ahhh x2

Oh yeah, we're comin'
Yeah, we're comin'
Oh yeah, we're comin'
Oh yeah, we're comin'
Yeah, yeah, we're comin'
Oh yeah, I'm comin'

Oh yeah x7


Lestat de Lioncourt - Long Face tekst piosenki

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Long Face

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Lestat de Lioncourt

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