Leprous - The Silent Revelation
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Tekst piosenki The Silent Revelation
[Verse 1]
It's over now
I look back at the confrontation
The silent revelation
Still can't reset
It's becoming an, becoming an addiction
Like I'm hung up on affliction
Even though it's gone
It feels the same
In the prison of my thoughts
I've been searching for it
I've been dreaming about it
I've been searching for it
I've been searching for it
I've been dreaming about this life, this life
I'm not ready for it
I'm still holding on to doubt, doubt
I've been searching for it
I've been dreaming about this life, this life
I'm not ready for it
I'm still holding on to doubt, doubt
[Verse 2]
Eventually alone
The beast is gone
But I'm trapped in his cage
Still absorbed by the rage
Nails are stuck
Stuck under my skin
Trying to remove them
Will just be causing more pain
Even though it's gone
It feels the same
In the prison of my thoughts
My mind is a prison
My thoughts are invisible
My thoughts, my thoughts
I've been searching for it
I've been dreaming about this life, this life
I'm not ready for it
I'm still holding on to doubt, doubt
I've been searching for it
I've been dreaming about this life, life
I'm not ready for it
I'm still holding on to doubt, doubt
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The Silent Revelation
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The Silent Revelation
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