Tekst piosenki: Starlight Leprous

Leprous - Starlight

Tekst piosenki Starlight

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I'll lose my way towards the eternal flame
If I can't withdraw myself
And I'll betray myself today
While I'm falling in between, hey
A price to pay for my short-term gain
I've been saving all, saving all my prayers
I'll lose my way towards my mindful game
I'll always find, I'll always find a way to agitate

I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon beyond (Beyond)
I'm floating in the starlight
I am floating here alone
I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon is gone, gone, gone

I might stay forever
I'm floating here alone

I don't know what I'm going through
I'm not here to find the truth today
My vision is fading now
I'll have to make peace somehow
I cannot take the blame anymore
Am I on a path to doom?
Am I on a road to gloom?
It feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy
In what way can I be spared?
How can I be prepared?
For all the sudden storms
I need to take a leap of faith

When my world turns to grey
And my old ways decay
My truth will be revealed
Starlight (Starlight)
Starlight (Starlight)

I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon beyond (Beyond)
I'm floating in the starlight
I am floating here alone
I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon is gone, gone, gone
I might stay forever
I am floating here alone

I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon beyond (Beyond)
I'm floating in the starlight
I am floating here alone
I see the moon beyond the night
I see the moon is gone, gone, gone
I might stay forever
I am floating here alone

Leprous - Starlight tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Starlight tekst piosenki Leprous
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