Leprous - Silently Walking Alone
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Tekst piosenki Silently Walking Alone
Counting all the days and nights
I have tried to please the crowds
Irreparable and bruised
Still I never felt refused
Covering up all stains in sight
Colored all in white
Silently walking alone
The power of being unknown
Silently soothing my soul
The hiding has taken its toll
Silently walking alone
Running up the slope to fight
With flashbacks from the night
To where I was born in guilt
Where every brick was built
I'm done pleasing the crowds
After all my last call was to break this barrier
After all my last call was to take all the blame again
Silently walking alone
The power of being unknown
Silently soothing my soul
The hiding has taken its toll
Silently walking alone
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Silently Walking Alone
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Silently Walking Alone
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