Leprous - Claustrophobic
Tekst piosenki Claustrophobic
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Claustrophobic po polsku 🇵🇱 »
I can't deny it's unfair
But I need you gone
See how my head spins around
I can't deny
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
I can't believe this twist of fate
I won't allow to let go
Until my space is cleared
And I reclaim my glow
I'm feeling trapped inside
Claustrophobic vibes
With nowhere to hide
I close my eyes
With nowhere to hide
I put on my disguise
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Nowhere to hide
I close my eyes
Nowhere to hide
I put on my disguise
With nowhere to hide
I close my eyes
With nowhere to hide
I put on my disguise
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Say why you took it from me?
Leprous - Claustrophobic tekst piosenki
Claustrophobic Leprous - Claustrophobic tekstowo Claustrophobic o czym jest piosenka Claustrophobic Leprous - Claustrophobic Tekst Claustrophobic Leprous Claustrophobic słowaZnasz już tekst piosenki Claustrophobic
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Claustrophobic na polski 🇵🇱 »
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Claustrophobictakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć