Tekst piosenki Electric City
IntroLights Electrify us, our sense's are numb
The future is unclear, the damage is done
I'm so blinded by everything we've ever done done
Electric city
Electric city's alive
Light up, electric city, light up......
This night is on, the lights are on
Wake up, your feeling pretty
Wake up before the feeling gone........
Weve just begun
Lights Electrify us, our sense's are numb
The future is unclear the damage is done
I'm so blinded by everything we've ever done done
Electric city
Electric city's alive
Shine on your electric city, shine on.....
Your time has come to burn like the sun
Lights Electrify us, our sense's are numb
The future is unclear the damage is done
I'm so blinded by everything we've ever done done
Electric city, Electric city's alive
Electric city, Electric city's alive
Leinad - Electric City Tekst piosenki
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Electric City
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