Tekst piosenki: Ditch Lamb of God

Tekst piosenki Ditch

I don't give a goddamn
About your demands
Just spit your trash and take a bow
I've heard it all before, a running mouth
The deviants and miscreants break their vows
You can all keep digging, I'm crawling out

You're face down, down in a ditch that you dug yourself
You can live and die by the hand you're dealt
Unwound consequence and you can never tell
Live or die by the hand you're dealt

Blinded by revenge
And your cowardice!
They're all so scared again, it's so American

Here in the home of the brave and the terrified
Who can we blame this time? Back of the fucking line
We're running out of excuses, we're out of lies

You're face down, down in a ditch that you dug yourself
You can live and die by the hand you're dealt
Unwound consequence and you can never tell
Live or die by the hand you're dealt
Down in a ditch that you dug yourself
You can live and die by the hand you're dealt
Unwound consequence and you can never tell
Live or die by the hand you're dealt

You demand a life you haven't earned
Entitled, soft, and soon to learn
There's no shoulders here for crying!
You command an ego gone unchecked
Unbridled needs for cheap respect
But your dreams were built for dying
Built for dying!

You're face down, down in a ditch that you dug yourself
You can live and die by the hand you're dealt
Unwound consequence and you can never tell
Live or die by the hand you're dealt
Down in a ditch that you dug yourself
You can live and die by the hand you're dealt
Unwound consequence and you can never tell
Live or die by the hand you're dealt

You're down in a ditch

Lamb of God - Ditch Tekst piosenki

Lamb of God - Ditch tekstowo Lamb of God - Ditch Text Ditch Lamb of God Ditch słowa

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Ditch
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Kadr z teledysku Ditch tekst piosenki Lamb of God


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