Lady Gaga - Photograph
Tekst piosenki Photograph
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Turn down the lights and baby look at me through it
I wanna see all your positions, see if you can m- move it
You're picture perfect in this lighting, Michelangelo baby
You are a vision in my bedroom and it's making me crazy
Baby can I take your picture
So tomorrow I'll remember
What you were do- doing in this moment, cause honey
It feels so good what you do- do to me, it's not even funny
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
Cause i'm, but I need a second to get back
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photograph of that
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
I got my fingеr on the trigger and I wanna get somе of that
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photo- photograph of that
I got my lens ready to capture you, hottie
I'm gonna photograph your every move and part of your body
You can give it to me long, medium or na- naughty
It doesn't matter, just as long as you can snap it cause honey
I wanna t- take your picture
So tomorrow I'll remember
What you were do- doing in this moment, cause honey
It feels so good what you do- do to me, it's not even funny
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
Cause i'm, but I need a second to get back
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photograph of that
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
I got my finger on the trigger and I wanna get some of that
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photo- photograph of that
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of
Photo- photograph of that
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
Cause i'm, but I need a second to get back
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photograph of that
Don't move an inch, just stay where you're at
I got my finger on the trigger and I wanna get some of that
Don't move, stay where you're at
Baby, cause I wanna take a photo- photograph of that
Lady Gaga - Photograph tekst piosenki
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