Kylie Minogue - Lights Camera Action
Tekst piosenki Lights Camera Action
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Lights Camera Action po polsku 🇵🇱 »
I'm two seconds away, I'm right around the corner now
I'm two seconds away, hold tight, I'm about to arrive
And this place is a space where I let it go
And I hate to be waiting, so hold the door
I got shades on my face and I'm looking like Lagerfeld in Vogue
Here I go
Tune it in, tune it out, all I want is the noise
Turn it up, turn it loud till you ain't got a choice
We're turning sinful tonight, it's about to go off
Tell me, can you feel it?
(Lights, camera)
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Lights, camera, action, that's it
I look stellar tonight, my armour is by Gaultier
It's one hell of a ride, make sure you know you wanna play (You wanna play, oh)
'Cause this place is the space where I let it go (I let it go)
If you can't keep the pace, walk out of the door
I got shades on my face and I'm looking like Lagerfeld in Vogue
Here I go
Tune it in, tune it out, all I want is the noise
Turn it up, turn it loud till you ain't got a choice
We're turning sinful tonight, it's about to go off
Tell me, can you feel it?
(Lights, camera)
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Tune it in, tune it out, all I want is the noise
Turn it up, turn it loud till you ain't got a choice (Till you ain't got a choice)
We're turning sinful tonight, it's about to go off
Tell me, can you feel it?
Lights, camera, action, that's it
Kylie Minogue - Lights Camera Action tekst piosenki
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Lights Camera Action
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Lights Camera Action
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