Kim Petras - Minute
Tekst piosenki Minute
It's getting late
You should be going
Right when you start to walk away, I say, "Where you're going?"
You fall apart, I always fix it
It's always the last night in your arms
Until it isn't, it isn't
Baby, I should shut the door and lock it
But all I, all I really want is you, you, you, you
To hold me for one more minute
We don't have to talk or listen
Kiss me like the world is coming down
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
Close your eyes and just stay in it
Kiss me 'cause the time is running out
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
You missed your train
You did it on purpose
And I let you stay another night, one more ain't gonna hurt us, hurt us
And baby, I should shut the door and lock it
But all I, all I really want is you, you, you, you
To hold me for one more minute
We don't have to talk or listen
Kiss me like the world is coming down
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
Close your eyes and just stay in it
Kiss me 'cause the time is running out
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
All I, all I really want is you
Yeah, all I really want is you, ooh-ooh
So hold me for one more minute
We don't have to talk or listen
Kiss me like the world is coming down
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
Close your eyes and just stay in it
Kiss me 'cause the time is running out
It's about to be a lonely night so hold me tight
For one more minute
Kim Petras - Minute tekst piosenki
Minute Kim Petras - Minute tekstowo Minute o czym jest piosenka Minute Kim Petras - Minute Tekst Minute Kim Petras Minute słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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