Tekst piosenki: Eurydice Killian Scott

Tekst piosenki Eurydice

[Verse 1]
Every hour, every aching moment, oh
We are bound, bound for Asphodel, woah
Hand in hand, pull me through the river, I
Mouth to mouth like we're lung-to-lung

Is it a little too much
Breathin' the air from your lungs?
Is it a little bit much
Under the weight of this love?

But I, I, I
I wanna breathe your every breath
Be the truth and be the myth

Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh, I
'Cause you're my life and you're my death
You score the music in my hеad
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bittеr life, oh

[Verse 2]
Through the fires and the wildest moments, oh-woah
I'll be wrapped up in thoughts of you, uh

Is it a little bit rough
Under the weight of this love?
Is it a little too much
Breathin' the air from your lungs?

But I, I, I
I wanna breathe your every breath
Be the truth and be the myth
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh, I
'Cause you're my life and you're my death
You score the music in my head
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh (Oh), ooh-ooh-ooh (Oh)
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh (Oh-woah)

I, I, I
I wanna breathe your every breath
Be the truth and be the myth
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh, I

I wanna breathe your every breath
Be the truth and be the myth
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh, I
'Cause you're my life and you're my death
You score the music in my head
Through the days and through the nights
Through the bitter life, oh

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

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