Tekst piosenki Wake Up
You forcing me,around to call again.
I wanna wake up,
with you my friend.
You gonna force the time, with me again.
The time is waste,
as long as you are calling me a friend.
To call again,
to call me friend.
To call again,
To call me friend.
Wake up,
wake up now.
Even if you don't care,
why don't you wake up now.
Wake up,
wake up now.
Even if you don't care,
why don't you wake up now.
Sitting there, no walk in found,
you forcing me to turn around.
I shake it up, i take it down,
the feeling waiting for another round with you again,
so i like to call you friend.
To call again,
to call me friend.
To call again,
To call me friend.
Wake up,
wake up now.
Even if you don't care,
why don't you wake up now.
Wake up,
wake up now.
Even if you don't care,
why don't you wake up now.
Keralla - Wake Up Tekst piosenki
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Wake Up
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