Tekst piosenki Nightcall
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Nightcall po polsku 🇵🇱 »
[Verse: Thomas Mars]I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
[Chorus: Angèle]
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you, boy
But you're still the same
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you, boy
But you're still the same
[Verse: Thomas Mars, Angèle]
I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I'm gonna tell you somеthing you don't want to hear
(We'll go all, all, all night long)
I'm gonna show you wherе it's dark, but have no fear
(We'll go all, all, all night)
[Chorus: Angèle, Angèle & Thomas Mars]
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you, boy
But you're still the same
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you, boy
But you're still the same
Angèle & Phoenix & Kavinsky - Nightcall tekst piosenki
Nightcall Kavinsky & Angèle & Phoenix - Nightcall tekstowo Nightcall o czym jest piosenka Nightcall Kavinsky i Angèle & Phoenix - Nightcall Tekst Nightcall Kavinsky Nightcall słowa Kavinsky, Angèle, Phoenix - Nightcall TextKavinsky, Angèle, Phoenix Nightcall Letra de Nightcall com Kavinsky, Angèle, Phoenix Kavinsky, Angèle, Phoenix - Nightcall lyrics Nightcall 😍 Phoenix, Angèle and Kavinsky perform at Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony 🔥 | #paris2024
Po tym jak wspólne wykonanie przez Zespół Phoenix, Angèle i Kavinsky-iego przeboju Nightcall na ceremonii zamknięcia Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Paryżu 2024 spotkało się z ciepłym przyjęciem i dużym zainteresowaniem słuchaczy, których część być może do tej pory nie znała tego przemiodnego kawałka, artyści pobiegli w popłochu do studia by ładnie nagrać i szybciutko wydać nową studyjną wersję utworu „Nightcall”. Tak było nie zmyślam.
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Nightcall na polski 🇵🇱 »
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Kavinsky, Angèle, Phoenix
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