Tekst piosenki Nine Million Bicycles
[Chorus]There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
[Verse 1]
We are twelve billion light years from the edge
That's a guess
No one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you
[Verse 2]
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar
Just believe everything that I say
There are six billion people in the world
More or less, and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire
Of the love that you give me every night
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing
And you know that I will love you till I die
Katie Melua - Nine Million Bicycles Tekst piosenki
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Album: Live at the O² Arena (2009)
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Nine Million Bicycles
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Nine Million Bicycles
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