Tekst piosenki: Hyperfocused Kara Marni

Tekst piosenki Hyperfocused

A couple dates in and I start to fixate
You got me Riri, must be love on the brain
Personal boundaries... no I haven't got a clue

I'm out here picturing the kids and the house
Already got me memorising my vows
When I can't even recall your second name it's true

Yeah, I'm impulsive but I can't shake it
Jump in two feet and hope that I make it
Like I ain't got a heart to lose

I'm locked on your love like a laser beam
Your the face that I see when I daydream
I'm hyperfocused on you

Watching the sky turning black to blue
Cause I lose track of time when I'm next you
I'm hyperfocused on you

You take up so much space inside of my head
This can't be legal baby, you should pay rent
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't tie my shoes without thinking of you

Yeah, I'm impulsive but I can't shake it
Jump in two feet and hope that I make it
Like I ain't got a heart to lose

I'm locked on your love like a laser beam
Your the face that I see when I daydream
I'm hyperfocused on you

Watching the sky turning black to blue
'Cause I lose track of time when I'm next you
I'm hyperfocused on you
On you...

Hyperfocused on you

Kara Marni - Hyperfocused Tekst piosenki

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Kara Marni

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Hyperfocused
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

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