Tekst piosenki: Swear Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Swear

I tell her that I love her, then she said, "Swear"
So here I am singing this love song showing I care
To fall in love is to take a risk and baby, I'm not scared
I'm only scared when you're not here, do I make myself clear?

[Verse 1]
F-O-R-E-V-E-R my love, these other girls get no response
You're the only one that I want
Without you, I cannot do much
I'm paralyzed, no I can't move too much
Know I make mistakes sometimes, I'm a screw-up
But I'ma kill the old me to celebrate the new us
She's my Medusa, but she don't turn me to stone
She turns a house into a home

She's been where the devil roams
Wear and tear, she repairs my soul
I'ma hold on to what we got, never let go
It's called plantin' the seed, it's called lettin' it grow
And if she ever leave, I'm loadin' up and lettin' it blow
She my forever, I'm just lettin' her know, you know

I tell her that I love her, then she said, "Swear"
So here I am singing this love song showing I care
To fall in love is to take a risk and baby, I'm not scared
I'm only scared when you're not here, do I make myself clear?

[Verse 2]
My tongue, your body, the only party I like
Everything but temporary, baby, yeah you got me for life
Codeine in the sprite, girl you got what I need
Fuck havin' shit that I like
You got that soul I could keep
Swervin' in the Lambo truck, we know Mercedez
One day, in the backseat, there'll be a baby
Call me what you want, but you can't call me crazy
Actually, call me crazy for her love (For her love, for her love)
Call me crazy for her love (For her love, for her love)
Maybe, 'cause I need it all (Need it all, need it all)
She’s a blessing from above, 'bove

I tell her that I love her, then she said, "Swear"
So here I am singing this love song showing I care
To fall in love is to take a risk and baby, I'm not scared
I'm only scared when you're not here, do I make myself clear?

Juice WRLD - Swear Tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Swear tekst piosenki Juice WRLD



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