Tekst piosenki: Spend It Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Spend It

Spend it
Spend it
Yee-haw, I'ma spend it
Cha-ching, cha-chow, boy
(Perc' Boy)

I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Her time involved (Yeah, uh-huh)
I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Up early mornin' (Get it, uh-huh)

Ain't no sleep at all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Ain't no sleep involved (Spend it, uh-huh)
I just spend it all (Cha-ching, uh-huh)
Told her how I feel (Get it, uh-huh)
Now I send her off (Get it, uh-huh)
This ain't tee-ball (Let's get it, uh-huh)
Big league, y'all (Let's get it, uh-huh)
Ups and downs off the Percs, that's a seesaw (Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, spend it)
I told her, "Howdy, come and ride it," she said, "Yee-haw" (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, get it, get it)

Benjamin Franklin go (Cha-ching)
When I throw money on a ho (Cha-ching)
Every day, I get to the dough (Cha-ching)
What makes the world go around? (Cha-ching)
What makes the girls go down? (Cha-ching)
And spin like a merry-go-round (Yeah)
I count to a bigger amount (Yeah)
My pockets so deep that it's fish in that bitch, if I jump in that bitch, I'ma drown (Yeah)
Me and Zaytoven just made a sound (Yeah)
Me and Zaytoven just made a wave (Yeah)
'Bout to throw it in a fuck nigga face (Ya dig?)
Don't give a fuck what a fuck nigga say (Ya dig?)
Headshots if he in the way (Ya dig?)
I put that on my kids (Ya dig?)
I prayed for nights like this (Ayy)
Shorty wanna make my day (Ya dig?)
Just give me, give me face (Yeah)
Fuck nigga get in my way (What happened?)
The semi', semi' sprayed (Yeah)
Every day, I make plays (Run it)
I'm tryna make a way (Ya dig?)
Jack knife on the AK (Gunnin')
Shoot and cut away (Yeah, brrah)

I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Her time involved (Yeah, uh-huh)
I'd spend it all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Up early mornin' (Get it, uh-huh)
Ain't no sleep at all (Spend it, uh-huh)
Ain't no sleep involved (Spend it, uh-huh)
I just spend it all (Cha-ching, uh-huh)
Told her how I feel (Get it, uh-huh)
Now I send her off (Get it, uh-huh)
This ain't tee-ball (Let's get it, uh-huh)
Big league, y'all (Let's get it, uh-huh)
Ups and downs off the Percs, that's a seesaw (Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, spend it)
I told her, "Howdy, come and ride it," she said, "Yee-haw" (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, get it, get it)

Cha-ching, cha-ching
Cha-ching, cha-ching
Yeah (Yeah), yeah (Yeah)
Cha-ching, cha-ching
Cha-ching, cha-ching
Yeah (Yeah), yeah (Yeah), yeah (Yeah)

Juice WRLD - Spend It Tekst piosenki

Spend It Juice WRLD - Spend It tekstowo Spend It o czym jest piosenka Spend It Juice WRLD - Spend It Tekst Spend It Juice WRLD Spend It słowa Juice WRLD - Spend It Text

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Teledysk do piosenki
Spend It

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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Spend It tekst piosenki Juice WRLD


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