Tekst piosenki: Oxycodone Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Oxycodone


Oxycodone numbs my soul, makes me whole
Death melodies on my stereo
Holding onto my demons, but I gotta let go
Stay daydreaming, a nigga stay scheming
They thought that I was just dreaming, they ain't wanna believe me
Now the world hear me singing, heartbreak ring, yeah (Yeah)
Doing my thing, yeah I'm doing my thing
Going through a few things

[Verse 1]
Anxiety be tryna eat me alive
The oxycodone and codeine be keeping my soul alive

In it I baptize, the devil I entice
Creating my demise, time after time
Vibe after vibe, high after high
Run out of supply, feel like I'ma die
Look my demons in they eyes
Smile or cry, I will fight
Live, not die

Oxycodone numbs my soul, makes me whole
Death melodies on my stereo
Holding onto my demons, but I gotta let go
Stay daydreaming, a nigga stay scheming
They thought that I was just dreaming, they ain't wanna believe me
Now the world hear me singing, heartbreak ring, yeah (Yeah)
Doing my thing, yeah I'm doing my thing
Going through a few things

[Verse 2]
I don't need a payment to express my thoughts
Just give me a few pills, and a mic, it's on
All this medicine, probably fuckin' up chromosomes
Searching my systems, it's stressing out over Google Chrome
Too real, death's too real
Favorite color, let me guess, it's the blue pills (Uh)
Lean got me spinning 'round, codeine ferris wheel
And get high since high school
Skipping class, like that Ferris Bueller kid

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh (My demons and angels)

Oxycodone numbs my soul, makes me whole
Death melodies on my stereo
Holding onto my demons, but I gotta let go
Stay daydreaming, a nigga stay scheming
They thought that I was just dreaming, they ain't wanna believe me
Now the world hear me singing, heartbreak ring, yeah (Yeah)
Doing my thing, yeah I'm doing my thing
Going through a few things

Juice WRLD - Oxycodone Tekst piosenki

Oxycodone w wykonaniu Juice WRLD - Oxycodone tekstowo Juice WRLD - Oxycodone o czym jest piosenka Oxycodone Juice WRLD Oxycodone słowa Juice WRLD - Oxycodone Text
Juice WRLD Oxycodone Letra de Oxycodone com Juice WRLD
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Oxycodone
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Oxycodone tekst piosenki Juice WRLD


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