Tekst piosenki: Celebrate Juice WRLD & Offset

Tekst piosenki Celebrate

Juice WRLD, you know I'm here 'cause my ex is a fucking bitch, you know what I'm saying?

[Chorus: Juice WRLD]
Wait, huh
I just put some money on his head (On his head)
I can't say his name, 'cause he gon' really get blicked, brrt
I've been tryna numb all the pain, I've been holdin' it in since a jit, uh
I mix the Rick, with the RAF, and the RAF with the Rick, uh
Remember first time, got stabbed in the heart as a kid, uh
It was that day I found out my friend was dead, uh
Same day, I jumped head first in the pit, bottle full of meds, uh (Skrrt)

[Verse 1: Juice WRLD]
Sorrows symphonies, yeah, I invented that
Look at that watch on my wrist (Paid off, no deposit), paid two-hundred and ten for that, yeah

Thinking back to the good old days, nowadays I'm over-stressed
When I say good old days, I'm talkin' bout He-Han, no lil' ThunderCats, huh
Well, I've been down, the devil been on the prowl
He loves when I frown, make him and his demons smile
On me they dog-pile, I done got way too involved now
Hate when they play with me, told Jimmy playfully, "I'm finna burn this all down"
Bring all guns out, we goin' all out
We uppin' heat, enemies, gun 'em, fall down
Please, nigga, please, take a chill pill, calm down
With some niggas that be down to kill, kill and blackout

[Chorus: Juice WRLD & Offset]
Wait (Hey)
I just put some money on his head (Money on his top)
I can't say his name, 'cause he gon' really get blicked (Brrt, brrt)
I've been tryna numb all the pain, I've been holdin' it in since a jit, uh (Yeah)
I mix the Rick, with the RAF, and the RAF with the Rick, uh (The RAF with the rick)
Remember first time, got stabbed in the heart as a kid, uh (Hey)
It was that day I found out my friend was dead, uh (R.I.P.)
Same day, I jumped head first in the pit, bottle full of meds, uh (Skrrt) (Meds)

[Verse 2: Offset]
On my dead (On my dead), on my momma (Momma)
These nigga play, I'm gonna assault 'em (Bin Laden)
I'm having trauma, spending my commas (I got trauma)
I been paying for the dead, I'm a sponsor (I pay for that)
Two Percocet's to the head, we been lookin', tryna hunt 'em (Where he at?)
Popping drugs, it's makin' it worse (Worse)
Put him in a hearse, ended the money, get killed on the 1st (Walk)
Walkin' him down, he a demon, he cursed (Walk down)
Pull out the wrist work, take off your bitch skirt
I do not fear anybody on earth (Why?)
Watchin' my back, I'm alert
I got pills from the bitch, she a nurse (Nurse)
I got water, do you wanna surf? (Do you wanna surf)
I'm on the edge, nigga don't push me
Poppin' the meds, it give me a cushion (Let's go)
Everbody failed, I'm handing out blessings
Nobody scared, put switches on weapons (Nobody)
All in my head, I'm thinking 'bout
Niggas try to X me, and cut me out (Cut me out)
Feds did a sweep, when we jumpin' out? (Jumpin' out)
First, you get beat, then we stomp 'em out (Let's go)
Taking the world
Diamonds for girls, I bought my momma some pearls
That's my world (Momma)
I put my babies in Birkin's, like, "What was the purpose?," cause them my girls (My babies)
Fuck around and put some money in the street

[Chorus: Juice WRLD & Offset]
Wait, huh
I just put some money on his head (Money on his top)
I can't say his name, 'cause he gon' really get blicked (Brrt, brrt)
I've been tryna numb all the pain, I've been holdin' it in since a jit, uh (Yeah)
I mix the Rick, with the RAF, and the RAF with the Rick, uh (The RAF with the rick)
Remember first time, got stabbed in the heart as a kid, uh (Hey)
It was that day I found out my friend was dead, uh (R.I.P.)
Same day, I jumped head first in the pit, bottle full of meds, uh (Meds)

Juice WRLD & Offset - Celebrate Tekst piosenki

Celebrate Juice WRLD & Offset - Celebrate tekstowo Celebrate o czym jest piosenka Celebrate Offset & Juice WRLD - Celebrate Tekst Celebrate Juice WRLD & Offset Celebrate słowa Juice WRLD & Offset - Celebrate Text

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