Tekst piosenki: Love Letter Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Love Letter

This is a love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst and for the better, better
For worst and for the better, better
Love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst and for better, better
For worst and for better, better

[Verse 1]
I wanna know the cause of this, is it Cupid?
I really hate that kid, this is stupid
Wonder why she is in my head, lucid
Dreams like I'm having, yes, they are lucid
Sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing

Sometimes, she makes me feel stupid
Sometimes, it's clueless
Sometimes, it's "Damn, let's make love to music", uh

She is in my head
But, but I'm not scared, though, huh
She is in my head
But, but, huh
I told her this in the love letter

This is a love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst and for the better, better
For worst and for the better, better
Love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst and for better, better
For worst and for better, better, yeah

[Verse 2]
I'm like, "Here we go again"
I got her love and I'ma keep it 'til the end
I know one thing, we gotta be way more than friends
So we can be a happily ever again
I know it's real love, we do not pretend
We takin' real drugs, high until the end
My momma told me, "What happens, just be careful"
I told her, "That's cool", 'cause she like getting her hair pulled
I swear I treat her like some eggs, leave her scrambled
She can't handle
I destroy the pussy in the bedroom, I'm a vandal
Bussin' in her soupcan, like she got Campbell's
I give her the dick she can't handle, handle, uh

This is a love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst and for the better, better
For worst and for the better, better
Love letter, letter
Love me, I may let her, let her
For worst, or the better, better
I want you forever, ever, ever, ever

Juice WRLD - Love Letter Tekst piosenki

Love Letter Juice WRLD - Love Letter tekstowo Love Letter o czym jest piosenka Love Letter Juice WRLD - Love Letter Tekst Love Letter Juice WRLD Love Letter słowa Juice WRLD - Love Letter Text

Album: The Party Never Ends (Deluxe) (2024)

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Love Letter

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Love Letter

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Kadr z teledysku Love Letter tekst piosenki Juice WRLD


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