Tekst piosenki: Can't Die Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Can't Die

(DY Krazy)

Sometimes it feels like I can't die, 'cause I never was alive
Every day it feels like someone new dies, hope the news is a lie
This is my version of watching you cry, looking you in your eyes
This is my version of watching you die, took me by surprise

Lost too many this year
Shed too many of them tears
Now a nigga richer
But there's way too many people missing from the picture

[Verse 1]
At the door, let me in, I'm looking for answers, yeah, yeah
At the door, let me in, I'm looking for answers, yeah, yeah
Now I'm getting richer
But it's too many people missing from the picture
Open up the door, yeah, yeah (Open up the door, yeah, yeah), let me in (In)

Sometimes it feels like I can't die, 'cause I never was alive
Every day it feels like someone new dies, hope the news is a lie
This is my version of watching you cry, looking you in your eyes
This is my version of watching you die, took me by surprise
Woah, woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah

[Verse 2]
Cross my heart, hope to survive
That I'ma be the last rich nigga alive
They tell me that I'm finna OD in no time
I told 'em I'll do it on my time, not your time
Got my heart in a hellhole, it's on fire
But I won't let myself get trapped in here this time, time
Time will stop (Time stops), time will stop (Time, time stops)

Sometimes it feels like I can't die, 'cause I never was alive
Every day it feels like someone new dies, hope the news is a lie
This is my version of watching you cry, looking you in your eyes
This is my version of watching you die, took me by surprise

Lost too many this year
Shed too many of them tears
Now a nigga richer
But there's way too many people missing from the picture

Juice WRLD - Can't Die Tekst piosenki

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Can't Die

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Can't Die
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Can



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