Tekst piosenki: Adore You Juice WRLD

Tekst piosenki Adore You

Let me talk to y'all for a second, though
Let me get some lights, let me see all the beautiful faces out here
Oh, oh, oh
We took it up a level in this bitch, huh

I want to hold you, control you
Never seen a soul like yours before
But, girl, I adore you, would die for you
Your ex old news, fuck with me, I'll show you

[Verse 1]
She my queen, used to have a dark king
Devil kissed her first, way before me

Devil does his worst, he can't harm me
He sittin' there alone, I'm like, "You and what army?"
Baby, I can't help the way I feel
Got me havin' love dreams, but this shit is real, real, real
Got me poppin' full Percs, don't know how to deal
Got me goin' on and on, can't keep still

Oh-oh, you belong with me
Or no one at all

I want to hold you, control you
Never seen a soul like yours before
But, girl, I adore you, would die for you
Your ex old news, fuck with me, I'll show you

[Verse 2]
Lovesick, but I could never get sick of your love
When I don't have your love I'm reachin' for the drugs
Like, "Juice WRLD was so damn high when he pulled up"
It's 'cause I was in Europe and you were back home
Yeah, I know we'll last long
You killed all the sad love songs
I ain't nothin' but a bag of bones
But you say that's the most expensive bag you own

Oh-oh, you belong with me
Or no one at all

I want to hold you, control you
Never seen a soul like yours before
But, girl, I adore you, would die for you
Your ex old news, follow me, I'll show you

Juice WRLD - Adore You Tekst piosenki

Adore You Juice WRLD - Adore You tekstowo Adore You o czym jest piosenka Adore You Juice WRLD - Adore You Tekst Adore You Juice WRLD Adore You słowa Juice WRLD - Adore You Text

Album: The Party Never Ends (Deluxe) (2024)

Teledysk do piosenki
Adore You

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Adore You

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Adore You
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Adore You tekst piosenki Juice WRLD


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