Tekst piosenki: New Black History JPEGMAFIA

Tekst piosenki New Black History

[Intro: Future]
9 millimeter, my brother, my keeper
Was serving that ether before I did features
My mamacita, she know how to greet me
She know how to keep me, she better not get greedy
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery

[Verse 1: Vince Staples]
That's what on, walk like when the elephant in the room
Porsche truck, hold whatever a nigga need to boom
[?] put the squad at the [?] soon
I say what I do and I mean what I want to do (Uh huh)
These are my gangstеr chronicles

I'm a God MC, I'm the tried and truе
Try me, you green, man, I ain't see you
Time to show 'em proof, I guess
Time to bust a new move, I guess
Scrollin' through the tools with K. West
Seen my self on the news, so blessed
Dudes don't get this good till their death
Rugs from Italy, must be kiddin' me
North Side Long Beach, aboriginees
Can't get rid of it, we need black history

[Interlude: Future, Vince Staples]
9 millimeter, my brother, my keeper
Was serving that ether before I did features
My mamacita, she know how to greet me
She know how to keep me, she better not get greedy
I hit the lottery (Northside)
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery (Uh, uh)

[Verse 2: JPEGMAFIA]
When I come around, better stare at the floor (Yeah!)
Cause I'm in that mold, on my own, I got that flavor, Jonathan Majors paper
'Specially when ya'll cashing out for PDF's and rapers (No Drizzy)
I hope ya'll paid attention, no really, I'm dyin'
I killed myself, tell them to kill me (Hey)
I'm in the Roys to fuck up
Ya'll wish I used my background as a- (Ah)
Ya'll wish I kept on eatin' prison lunch cause I'm tweetin' too much
Keepin' it E is a must
These rappers fell off, they ain't statements, base statements
They status is peeing in cups
Ain't nobody free-inning us
Get out [?] (Hey)

[Outro: Future]
9 millimeter, my brother, my keeper
Was serving that ether before I did features
My mamacita, she know how to greet me
She know how to keep me, she better not get greedy
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery
I hit the lottery

JPEGMAFIA - New Black History Tekst piosenki

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New Black History

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