John Mayall - Don't Pick A Flower
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Tekst piosenki Don't Pick A Flower
Red and gold were the colours of a love I had in the fall
From the city to a harbour in a car to a place where she bloomed
She was a flower so pretty in the sun
Tender was love when we touched and shared a smile
In a peace of the night how we planned how to keep this precious thing
We couldn't see how a flower might die and wither away
She was a leaf that had fallen from a tree
And when winter came storms gathered and colours changed
So now there is nothing but a memory of a love we had and lost
In the silence sometimes I wonder where did you go, my love
Don't pick a flower unless you're sure
That no one can be so wise as to know loves rights and wrongs
John Mayall - Don't Pick A Flower tekst piosenki
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