Joe Lavoie - I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie
Tekst piosenki I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie
I remember thinking when i was just a boyWhat would i be when i grow up and will i be employed
Took 2 jobs a week right out of high school
I'm not gonna lie I want my life to be high
I put a trailer hitch on my 4 by 4
Got my garage ready for the jet skis and more
But I lost my fortune and all my pearls
My childhood dreams all but slipped away
I met a girl and she became my world
Now all I wanna do is buy her a mercedes benz
I met a girl and she rocked my world
Now all I wanna do is buy her a mercedes benz
I remember thinking when I was 22
Where will I be and what will I do
I need to find a spot for my over sized boat
Where all my friends just hang out and just float
Watching the leafs play on my 100 inch screen
No time for misery when your livin the dream
But I lost my fortune and all my pearls
My childhood dreams all but fell away
Joe Lavoie - I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie tekst piosenki
I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie Joe Lavoie - I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie tekstowo I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie o czym jest piosenka I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie Joe Lavoie - I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie Tekst I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie Joe Lavoie I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie słowaTeledysk do piosenki
I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie
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I Met a Girl by Joe Lavoie
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