Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - Whiskey Goes Good
Tekst piosenki Whiskey Goes Good
In all my years, I've learned a few thingsBut none more important than what I now sing
When your day's draggin' on and you don't feel like you should
That whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes good
Now there may be a bottle that you've had for some time
And the name on the label has long lost its shine
But there's no need to panic 'cause it's well understood
Whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes good
It goes good with the hard times and good with the bad times
Good with the fun times and good with the sad times
So always remember when ya done all ya could
That whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes good
So the next time you're lonesome and you need some help
Just go grab that bottle from off the top shelf
Things will turn out like you knew that they would
'Cause whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes good
It goes good with the hard times, good with the bad times
Good with the fun times and good with the sad times
Always remember when ya done all ya could
Whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes good
There's no need to panic 'cause it's well understood
Whiskey don't go bad, whiskey goes mm-mm, mm-mm-mm
Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - Whiskey Goes Good tekst piosenki
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Whiskey Goes Good
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