Tekst piosenki: Bang Bang (Solo Version) Jessie J

Jessie J - Bang Bang (Solo Version)

Tekst piosenki Bang Bang (Solo Version)

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[Verse 1]
She got a body like an hourglass
But I can give it to you all the time
She got a booty like a Cadillac
But I can send you into overdrive
(You've been waiting for that, step on up, swing your bat)
See, anybody could be bad to you
You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah

Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)
Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)

Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)

[Verse 2]
She might've let you hold her hand in school
But I'mma show you how to graduate
No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk
Just come and show me what your momma gave, oh yeah
(I heard you've got a very big shhh, mouth but don't say a thing)
See anybody could be good to you
You need a bad girl to blow your mind

Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)
Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)

Bang bang bang bang, ooh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh
Bang bang bang bang, ooh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh
B to the A to the N to the G to the, hey
B to the A to the N to the G to the, hey
B to the A to the N to the G to the, hey
B to the A to the N to the G to the, hey
See, anybody could be good to you
You need a bad girl to blow your mind

Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)
Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)
Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Bang bang
Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)
Wait a minute 'til you (ahhh, hey!)

Jessie J - Bang Bang (Solo Version) tekst piosenki

Bang Bang (Solo Version) Jessie J - Bang Bang (Solo Version) tekstowo Bang Bang (Solo Version) o czym jest piosenka Bang Bang (Solo Version) Jessie J - Bang Bang (Solo Version) Tekst Bang Bang (Solo Version) Jessie J Bang Bang (Solo Version) słowa

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Bang Bang (Solo Version) na polski 🇵🇱 »

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Bang Bang (Solo Version)

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Kadr z teledysku Bang Bang (Solo Version) tekst piosenki Jessie J
piosenki Bang Bang (Solo Version) - Jessie J poznasz i zrozumiesz dzięki tłumaczeniu Bang Bang (Solo Version) a jak zobaczysz teledysk Bang Bang (Solo Version) słowa innych śpiewanych utworów Jessie J teksty przeczytać albo i wydrukować zapragniesz i fajnie.Znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania: Kiedy premiera piosenki Bang Bang (Solo Version) - Jessie J? Z jakiego albumu pochodzi piosenka Bang Bang (Solo Version)? Kto wyprodukował Bang Bang (Solo Version)? Kto napisał tekst piosenki Bang Bang (Solo Version) Jessie J? ale na pytanie Kiedy niedziela handlowa w październiku to już raczej nie, za to teksty piosenek o październiku już jak najbardziej dla przykładu Czternastego października anyone, hmm?