Tekst piosenki: Never Be Lonely Jax Jones & Zoe Wees

Tekst piosenki Never Be Lonely

(What you, what you gon' do?)

Tell me how it feels
To know you'll never be lonely again
You spend the rest of your life
Knowing you, you
Will never be lonely again and again and again
So tell me how it feels
To know that I'll never leave you alone
To know
That you got the freedom to choose
You will never be lonely again and again and again
So tell me how it feels

So tell me how it feels
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel—)

Who'd thought we'd make it?
Look at where we are
Is this what dreams are madе of?
Here and now, I'm crossing my heart

With my hands in thе air, I'lI make enough
To always stay by your side
I will be there on your darkest night
I'm here to the day that I die

So tell me how it feels
To know you'll never be lonely again
You spend the rest of your life
Knowing you, you
Will never be lonely again and again and again
So tell me how it feels

(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
So tell me how it feels
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
(And again and again, I feel lonely again)
So tell me how it feels

With my hands in the air, I'll make enough
To always stay by your side (Oh-oh)
I will be there on your darkest night
I'm here to the day that I die
So tell me how it feels

Jax Jones & Zoe Wees - Never Be Lonely Tekst piosenki

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Never Be Lonely

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