Tekst piosenki Somebody To You
[Verse 1]I always thought
I would find myself in a world of my own design
But here I am building my life around you
I was sure
I would need a crowd of a thousand eyes watching me
But yours are enough to change everything I see
Oh, believe me
There ain't nothing that I'd rather do
Than spend all the rest of my days
Wasted on you
'Cause I wanna lie here forever
And forget everything that I knew, ooh
I don't wanna be somebody
If I ain't somebody to you
[Verse 2]
So wear my clothes and take up my bed
Make me so jealous I lose my head
Give me a reason to be afraid
'Cause now I'm just as scared as you
You're the one thing I don't wanna lose
You know that I'd give it all up if you'd ask me to
Oh, believe me
There ain't nothing that I'd rather do
Than spend all the rest of my days
Wasted on you
'Cause I wanna lie here forever
And forget everything that I knew, ooh
I don't wanna be somebody
If I ain't somebody to you
Woah-oh-oh, oh, oh
Woah-oh-oh, oh, oh
Oh, believe me
There ain't nothing that I'd rather do
Than spend all the rest of my days
Wasted on you
'Cause I wanna lie here forever
Forget everything that I knew, mm
I don't wanna be somebody
If I ain't somebody to you
James Smith - Somebody To You Tekst piosenki
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Somebody To You
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Somebody To You
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