Ira Wolf - New World
Tekst piosenki New World
When I went to sleep I knew you loved me
I woke up in a new world
In my dreams I saw what was coming
I felt the way the truth hurt
But I don't get it
You tell me you think I've changed
Was that unexpected
Did you think I'd have it all figured out at my age
I fell asleep in my twenties
And woke up in a new world
A little smarter with my money
And everything to learn
And I'm not sorry
In the ways I used to be
‘Cause why be sorry
For what anybody thinks about me
But when I went to sleep I knew you loved me
I woke up in a new world
And it's all a little funny
I thought you were my future
But you don't get it
You call my point of view
Have I not said it
Honey, the whole world can see it too
But did you really say, did you really say
Thought I heard you say
(It changes nothing)
Did you really say, did you really say
Swear I heard you say
(It changes nothing)
Did you really say, did you really say
Thought I heard you say
(It changes nothing)
Tell me it's okay, tell me we're okay
Tell me that you'll stay
(But it changes something)
‘Cause when I went to sleep you loved me
When I went to sleep you loved me
I woke up in a new world
(I saw what was coming)
(I saw what was coming)
(I saw what was coming)
When I went to sleep (I saw what was coming)
(I saw what was coming)
You loved me (I saw what was coming)
(I saw what was coming)
You loved me (I saw what was coming)
(I saw what was coming)
A new world
Ira Wolf - New World tekst piosenki
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