Tekst piosenki: Trojan blue Icehouse

Icehouse - Trojan blue

Tekst piosenki Trojan blue

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Trojan blue po polsku 🇵🇱 »

The soldiers standing on the shore, shake up their golden shields
You watch them from your room, high on the city walls
In the distance on the shifting sea, a thousand coloured sails
Is this the moment you made? Is this the way that you planned?
You know it won't be long now

The finest treasures of kings, all of those precious things
They never tempted you
So as you stood in the ruins, how could you dare to look on
As they burned for you...?
The broken pieces of clay and the palest eyes, painted in Trojan blue

You remember how it used to be when you were just a girl
Nothing really mattered then, you can remember so well
How you used to hold your head so high, those days will never return

The finest treasures of kings, all of those precious things
They never tempted you
So as you stood in the ruins, how could you dare to look on
As they burned for you...? Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm
The broken pieces of clay and the palest eyes, painted in Trojan blue

Dust is drifting in the evening air, across the field below
The silver mirror, you hold will never tell...You turn your face away

The finest treasures of kings, all of those precious things
They never tempted you
So as you stood in the ruins, how could you dare to look on
As they burned for you...? Oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
The broken pieces of clay and the palest eyes, painted in Trojan blue
The broken pieces of clay and the palest eyes, painted in Trojan blue

Icehouse - Trojan blue tekst piosenki

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Album: Primitive Man (Bonus Track Edition) (1982)

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Trojan blue na polski 🇵🇱 »

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Trojan blue

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Trojan blue

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Kadr z teledysku Trojan blue tekst piosenki Icehouse
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