Tekst piosenki: The Old Me Henry Moodie

Henry Moodie - The Old Me

Tekst piosenki The Old Me

Every headline
Every deadline
Feels so serious these days
Every expectation seems too hard to face

all the pressure
Use to never
Take hold of me this way
Oh i miss my innocence
It felt so safe

Cause those monsters under my bed
Became the ones in my head
Now the grass ain't so green
And i'm not as naive

As the old me

I used to dream of getting older
Now i wish i could go back
Cause all this weight is on my shoulders
Never used to feel like that
Tell me have you seen the old me
The guy who's always drunk on life
Cause i've been trying to find him lately
To see a better future through his eyes

Where's the wide eyed
Confident guy
With a grin upon his face
Where's the optimist i was at half this age
I miss my daydreams
Miss my pre-teens
Miss my stupid young mistakes
Though i know that i'm still in the good old days

I used to dream of getting older
Now i wish i could go back
Cause all this weight is on my shoulders
Never used to feel like that
Tell me have you seen the old me
The guy who's always drunk on life
Cause i've been trying to find him lately
To see a better future through his eyes

Those monsters under my bed
Became the ones in my head

Henry Moodie - The Old Me tekst piosenki

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The Old Me

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The Old Me

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki The Old Me
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku The Old Me tekst piosenki Henry Moodie
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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