Tekst piosenki: Still Dancing Henry Moodie

Henry Moodie - Still Dancing

Tekst piosenki Still Dancing

If you see me on the street
Looking for my friends
Trying to find my feet
With a bottle in my hand
Don't judge me
Just come back and love me

if i'm underneath the lights
In the early hours
Stranger by my side
It's cause i don't have the power to process
The feelings in my chest

The day that you said goodbye
All of the music died

Somebody tell me why i'm still dancing
I've been in this club all night
Up until closing time
And i know you changed your mind
But i'm still dancing
Dancing like you never left

So pour another drink
Play another song
I don't want to think about the fact you're moving on
Now without me
Tell me are you happy

Have you found a better me
The perfect missing puzzle piece
The guy i know i could never be the day that you said goodbye

All of the music died
Somebody tell me why i'm still dancing
I've been in this club all night
Up until closing time
And i know that you changed your mind
But i'm still dancing

Dancing like you never left
Dancing till i'm out of breath
Dancing like i'm not a mess
(i'm still, i'm still) i'm still dancing

Dancing like i'm not alone
Dancing underneath the glow
Dancing till you take me home
(i'm still, i'm still) i'm still dancing
The day that you said goodbye
All of the music died
Somebody tell me why i'm still dancing
Dancing like you never left

Henry Moodie - Still Dancing tekst piosenki

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Still Dancing

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Still Dancing

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Still Dancing
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Still Dancing tekst piosenki Henry Moodie
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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