Tekst piosenki: Good Old Days Henry Moodie

Henry Moodie - Good Old Days

Tekst piosenki Good Old Days

My mother told me don't you wait for better times
You'll never find them if you're standing in the line
Always remember how to live not just survive
And even on my worst nights I trust that I'll be fine

Cause oh
Someday when I grow old
With most of my story told
I'll look at the life I made and say

Let me tell you about the good old days
Every memory and dumb mistake
Yeah I'm talking about
The late nights, the good time, the mess that I made
Those were the good old days

Good old days

Too many people in this world that can I please
Too many versions of myself that I could be
I don't want to let my fear decide what's right for me
Before I lose the control, I'm going to take the driver's seat

Cause oh
Someday when I grow old
With most of my story told
I'll look at the life I made and say

Let me tell you about the good old days
Every memory and dumb mistake
Yeah I'm talking about
The late nights, the good times, the mess that I made
Those were the good old days

Let me tell about my first heartbreak
And the ones that took the tears away
Yeah I'm talking about
The drunk text, the regrets, the dreams that I chase
Those were the good old days
Good old days

I know, I know these are the good old days
I know, I know these are the good old days
I know, I know these are the good old days

Those were the good old
These are the good old days

Henry Moodie - Good Old Days tekst piosenki

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Good Old Days

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Good Old Days

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Good Old Days
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Good Old Days tekst piosenki Henry Moodie
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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